Projects in Design

Projects in Design

St. Paul Campus:  Eastcliff serves as a home for University presidents and their families while also offering its historic grounds to thousands of visitors each year at University events and gatherings. Included on the National Register of Historic Places, Eastcliff requires ongoing care to ensure its continuing role as a venue for events and a residence befitting of our president. This capital project will renew a series of public and private spaces within the home, as well as multiple exterior and site improvements.

Twin Cities Campus: The Community University Health Care Center (CUHCC) is planning a new facility to continue providing comprehensive care to a diverse population in the Phillips Neighborhood of Minneapolis. The new two-story building will serve a larger number of patients, offer more space for community events, and provide a better environment for staff and learners.


Mower County, Minnesota: The Future of Advanced Agricultural Research in Minnesota (FAARM) project will design and construct an integrated agricultural research complex to collectively improve the health of plants and animals, soil, climate, economy, and people. FAARM will be located in the ag-bioscience-rich area of Mower County, Minnesota.

Twin Cities Campus | East Bank: Renovation of the existing CSOM Building located on the West Bank of the Twin Cities campus. The renovation work will include architectural, structural, mechanical, and electrical systems.